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Dental Infection Control Education & Certification

ADS-DALE Foundation Dental Infection Prevention and Control Certificate™

A comprehensive, baseline educational program based on federal standards and evidence-based guidelines. It is intended for everyone in dentistry or anyone who wants to learn more about dental infection prevention and control. ​This online certificate program is perfect for new and experienced dental professionals who are responsible for infection control duties. Learn more about the certificate program.

To earn the ADS-DALE Foundation Certificate, you must:

Original Price: $305 Bundle Price $215*
You save when you buy as a part of a bundle vs. purchasing separately
Get the Bundle

*Discounts are available for the purchase of multiple courses and for groups of learners.


ADS-DALE Foundation Online CE Courses

ADS and the DALE Foundation have developed several additional online courses. These courses are available for purchase on the DALE Foundation website
Learn More About Online Courses